Our story
We focus on clean and safe treats with benefits.
Lots of protein and fat
We see today that most online stores have a large selection of products, and that many of these are not necessarily healthy for your pet. This makes it difficult for the consumer to choose healthy and safe products. Our solution is to offer a carefully thought-out selection of products that we are proud of. We are concerned with transparency from suppliers. You should know where all the ingredients come from, and there should be traceability all the way back to the farmer who sold the raw materials. We are for variety, as long as the diet consists of a base of lots of protein and fat. Other products can then be seen as a supplement, which in many cases can be appropriate.
Produkter solgt
Where all the ingredients come from worldwide
1. Avgrensning
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2. Leverandørvalg
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3. Produkt
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Vårt standpunkt
All pets are different and have different needs. The animal’s needs are individual-specific. In this jungle of different opinions and varying statements from veterinarians and experts, it is difficult to navigate. The position we have taken is that natural products with a high meat content are the best for most dogs. Other types of products can advantageously function as a supplement as long as the raw materials are of high quality and contain appropriate nutrients. We have done extensive research worldwide to find the best manufacturers of treats for your dog. This has resulted in our product range, where you only find natural products with high-quality raw materials, without preservatives and other unnecessary additives
Natural products only
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